+7 (812) 703-80-17 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (GMT+3)

Long WP55-12


Rated voltage (В)
12 V
Nominal capacity
20 hours (2.75 А to 10.50 V) 55 Ah, 10 hours (5.225 А to 10.50 V) 52.25 Ah, 5 hours (9.35 А to 10.20 V) 46.75 Ah, 1 C (55 А to 9.60 V) 31.17 Ah, 3 C (165 А to 9.60 V) 22 Ah
Aprox. 17.1 kg
Internal resistance (при 1 кГц)
Aprox. 6 mOhm
Maximum discharge current для
5 secунд: 660 А
Charging methods at 25 °С (77 °F)
Cyclic mode:, Charge voltage from 14.4 to 15.0 V, Coefficient -5.0 мВ/˚С/Эл., Maximum charging current: 16.5 А, Use in standby mode:, Floating charging voltage from 13.5 to 13.8 V, Coefficient -3.0 мВ/˚С/Эл.
Operating temperature range
Charge from -15 °С (5 °F) to 40 °С (104 °F), Discharge from -15 °С (5 °F) to 50 °С (122 °F), Storage from -15 °С (5 °F) to 40 °С (104 °F)
Charge conservation (shelf life) at 20 °С (68 °F)
1 month 92%, 3 monthа 90%, 6 months 80%
Housing material
ABS UL94 HB, Option: Flame resistance (UL94 V-0)
Life time
3-5 years

*The battery must be charged before use. At higher ambient temperatures, storage time is reduced
*The content may be changed for improvement without prior notice, it is not a public offer.


Height (full)

Discharge rate in watts to various final voltages at 25 °С

Vремя/Конеhное напряжение1.85 V1.80 V1.75 V1.70 V1.67 V1.65 V1.60 V
2 min334397429454473490504
4 min309345374399418435449
5 min300336365390414431445
6 min276302324343358373388
8 min261283301318333348363
10 min221246266284298305311
15 min196211222225228231233
20 min169177182186189192195
30 min119124128131135138140
45 min93.
60 min65.067.469.671.672.172.472.6
90 min51.153.054.555.255.756.156.4
120 min33.335.537.137.738.338.739.1
180 min26.828.729.730.230.630.931.2
240 min21.922.923.824.224.524.724.9
300 min18.419.320.120.320.520.720.9
600 min10.711.111.511.611.812.012.1
1200 min5.515.755.966.

Discharge rate in amperes to various final voltages at 25 °С

Vремя/Конеhное напряжение1.85 V1.80 V1.75 V1.70 V1.67 V1.65 V1.60 V
2 min183232259275289301310
4 min177207226242256269277
5 min158182196209218226231
6 min139162173187199209216
8 min128147159163167171174
10 min117136147152158162164
15 min91.3101105110114116118
20 min77.685.889.693.696.998.6100
30 min57.963.165.767.469.270.771.6
45 min46.747.648.248.949.550.050.4
60 min29.232.534.334.935.435.836.2
90 min23.124.725.426.026.526.927.0
120 min16.818.119.119.519.920.220.4
180 min12.713.514.014.314.514.714.9
240 min10.811.211.611.812.012.212.4
300 min8.959.349.539.649.809.8910.0
600 min5.305.415.515.565.625.685.73
1200 min2.742.782.812.842.882.912.94

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